A Slice by Miss Amenta
This past weekend I went to visit my friend Alice. We were hanging out at her house when her husband called and asked if we could go pick up her car that had been taken in for an oil change. We gathered our stuff together and figured out what other errands we needed to run on our way to get her car. Then we hopped into my car to go. As we were on our way to the car place, my friend stops talking mid-sentence and tells me she forgot her car keys so we can’t go get the car. So we turned around and went back to her house. An hour later her husband comes home and asks about the car. Alice explains that she forgot her car keys so we couldn’t go get it. He looks at her like he can’t believe what she’s saying and says “Alice, they have your car keys. How do you think they moved the car when we dropped it off?” We both started laughing at how silly we’d been, forgetting where her car keys actually were.