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Day: March 2, 2017

Not a Sub! A Story of Hair and Poo…

There are two things you need to know about me for the purpose of this slice:

  1.  I put very little effort into my hair.
  2. I love poop emojis.   To the point that our class mascot is a poop emoji stuffed animal named Professor Poo.  And he sins the morning messages under my name, of course.

Ok…the slice…

It was emoji pajama day yesterday and I had a new pajama shirt that made me irrationally img_20170301_050851_976happy.  As a result of this irrational happiness, I blow-dried my hair straight.  (Something that probably happened about one other time this school year.)

So, the kids enter the room with the normal level of noise and heated discussions.  I get a few compliments on my hair.  A few compliments on my poo.  And then a student’s voice booms over the others…”I though we had a sub.  [b/c of the hair], but then I saw the poo.”  And he moved back to whatever discussion he was having with another student.

Good Morning and Welcome to 5B!

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