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Month: March 2017

Not a Sub! A Story of Hair and Poo…

There are two things you need to know about me for the purpose of this slice:

  1.  I put very little effort into my hair.
  2. I love poop emojis.   To the point that our class mascot is a poop emoji stuffed animal named Professor Poo.  And he sins the morning messages under my name, of course.

Ok…the slice…

It was emoji pajama day yesterday and I had a new pajama shirt that made me irrationally img_20170301_050851_976happy.  As a result of this irrational happiness, I blow-dried my hair straight.  (Something that probably happened about one other time this school year.)

So, the kids enter the room with the normal level of noise and heated discussions.  I get a few compliments on my hair.  A few compliments on my poo.  And then a student’s voice booms over the others…”I though we had a sub.  [b/c of the hair], but then I saw the poo.”  And he moved back to whatever discussion he was having with another student.

Good Morning and Welcome to 5B!

Slice of Life – March 1, 2017

Slice of Life #1

Click here to read a Slice of Life written by Ms. Brezek.  She mentions two other teachers – one is me and one is another teacher you know from our school.  Can you guess who is who?

Once you write your slice and publish, you will need to link up in the comments of this post.  Happy Slicing!  🙂

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